Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Beninning

So let me start by saying I have never kept an up-to-date journal or blog in my life. I start off with the best of intentions and tell myself, every day no matter how mundane I’ll make an entry. WRONG. It just doesn’t happen. But let me start with basics. Mz. Honey Badger (Please feel free to check her out HERE) has completely renewed my faith in people. Not all people but at the smallest cross section, the interweb people.
I want to start writing again. Seriously. I wrote some pretty depressing shit while in high school… but I still consider it worthy for being 16 and in “anguish.”

I will have some serious grammatical errors. I used to want to be an English major, and while I know the difference between there, they’re and their, I don’t need whoever you are raining all over my metaphorical parade.

I am easily distracted by shiny objects. Whether it be glitter, pennies while I’m driving or the reflection off my cell phone.

I am 24 years old. Living in a tiny ass town, just moved from another tiny ass town. Originally I was living in San Diego. I’m Jes. I love life. I hate people. Shitty people anyway. Prove you’re cool and ya maybe we can become friends.

This isn’t an essay. These are my thoughts and feelings as they come to me. So they might be discombobulated and they might be crazy but they are mine. You offend me and I’m sure either I, or some of my friends, however many actually read this, will give you a severe tongue lashing to the likes of which will have you cowering under the nearest shelter you can find crying for your mother.

Big Band and Country are 2 of my favorite music genres to listen to. Once upon a time I wanted to be a professional swing dancer. Now I just want to be proficient.

I live with my SO. Significant Other for any that might question later down the road. I have two kitties. Raider and Persia. In lieu of small animals (aka children) they are what I consider mine.

Whoever you are reading this know this is my word vomit. Years of pent up frustrations and failed dairy entries all vying to get onto one page at a time. It probably seems ridiculous and at later dates somewhat crazy but know that you are sincerely getting a peak into my conscious thinking. The one and only person I can thank for this post… and I’m hoping constant subsequent entries, is How to Skinny a Kat, aka Mz. Honey Badger herself. I started reading her blogs about a month ago and by jebus (another idea I am going to adopt from her) if she hasn’t inspired me to post my ridiculous thoughts online and my loquacious verbose verbal vomit to a random audience that will either ultimately reject or rejoice my aptitude at writing at least I’m getting things out in the open.

My name is Jes. I’m ready to rock and roll.

1 comment:

  1. Step One: Start
    Step Two: Kick Ass
    Step Three: Repeat
    Proud of you- now keep it up!
